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"The Concrete Speaks"

Connecting The World and It's Music. Play On.

“The Concrete Speaks” is an album compilation that showcases many talented artists from all over the world, who are united in our pursuit of creating and perfecting great music. We want to show you our production capabilities, mixing skills, master-ing abilities, and songwriting capabilities!

We believe in the power of music to bring people together, and “The Concrete Speaks” is our way of doing just that.

Flame Media Group - One Talk Podcast

Conversations of Enlightenment

The music industry is always changing, and that’s why Flame Media Group has launched ‘One Talk’, a podcast that aims to address artist issues and techniques on better sounding records.

Our guests will include artists, engineers, mixers and songwriters who are key players in shaping today’s music industry. With every episode, you’ll be getting insights on how modern artists produce their sounds. So tune in and learn something new!

"Conspire" - An Original Series Production

Conspiracy, Deception and The Pursuit of Power.

As the lights go down and the smoke clears, one thing is certain – you won’t want to miss a thing. With an all-star cast and an original score, this series is sure to keep you on the edge of your seat. From fashion and art to music and more, this series is a must-see. 

Stay tuned for a series that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

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